Have Questions? Need Help?
We’re Here For You.
Here’s a list of campus departments and their contact info, if you’ve got
specific questions for them before you arrive. You might want to bookmark
this page for future reference.
Campus Resources
Academic Advising
The academic advising office and its professionals are here to guide you through your academic journey: helping you with your four-year academic plan, determining your majors and minors, and providing strategies and support for academic improvements. Our professional advisors also assist with academic-related issues, leaves of absence and withdrawals. We also have a team of peer advisors, current students dedicated to connecting and supporting new arrivals to the Puget Sound community
Howarth Hall, Room 114
Learn More & Learn More about Peer Advisors
Career and Employment Services
Looking for part-time jobs and internships to build experience and explore career paths? The CES team can help you find, compete for, and make the most of opportunities that match your interests and goals: on-campus roles, seasonal jobs, and off-campus work for now or when you graduate. We can offer expert advice about resumes, networking, interviewing, and more..
Howarth Hall, Room 101
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Center for Student Support
The Center for Student Support strives to be the first stop on a student’s journey towards holistic wellness. The Center houses direct student services (the Campus Food Pantry, Clothing Closet, and Lending Library), student staff within Peer Allies and the BRAVe Program, and the Student Assistance Coordinator. We are here to support students in navigating on-campus resources and exploring off-campus resources. We also provide specific support programs for first-generaiton college students as well as veterans and students receiving VA benefits.
3219 N. 13th St.
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Center for Writing and Learning
The CWL is the peer-tutoring center on campus, which offers a collaborative space to work through various assignments from all disciplines. We have subject tutors in a variety of courses with drop-in hours and one-on-one appointments. Our writing advisors study in a wide variety of majors and are able to respond and offer feedback on aspects of writing in all disciplines. Our academic consultants meet with students to discuss skills like time management, organization, study strategies, and talking with professors. We strongly recommend first-year students make an appointment as soon as possible.
Howarth Hall, Room 105
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Counseling, Health, and Wellness Services
Counseling, Health, and Wellness Services (CHWS) can help you achieve your intellectual, social, and emotional potential by offering professional psychological, and primary health care. CHWS is committed to creating an inclusive environment in which we acknowledge individual differences and affirm healthcare to our diverse student body. CHWS services are integrated, individualized, and aspire to the highest standards.
Wheelock Student Center, Room 216
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Health Professions Advising
Health Professions Advising supports students who are preparing for and applying to health-related professional programs. Advisors are available to consult with students and provide academic advising, career counseling, interview prep, letters of evaluation, course planning, requirements for specific professional health programs, and application assistance.
Thompson Hall, Room 203
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Logger Store
The Logger Store is our student bookstore, and offers materials for your courses, plus books and gifts and tons of Puget Sound and Logger spirit gear. It is also home to the campus convenience stores, where students can use dining dollars for food and beverage items.
Wheelock Student Center
Visit the Logger Store
Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity
The Office of Institutional Equity and Diversity aims to provide a sense of belonging on our campus for all students. We oversee the Student Diversity Center and Social Justice Center, with spaces for creating and cultivating community for student organizations focused on diverse identities and advancing social justice. We also coordinate Access Programs, which provides volunteer opportunities to get involved with Tacoma middle and high school students through tutoring, mentoring, and academic support.
Howarth Hall, Room 217
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Passages Orientation
Passages is the community experience for all new and transfer students entering Puget Sound. The program is designed to introduce students to the intellectual life at Puget Sound; connect them with their peers, student leaders, faculty, and staff members; and help them feel comfortable using university resources. The Passages Orientation Registration will go live on April 26.
Wheelock Student Center, Room 203
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The Office of the Registrar’s staff provide a variety of academic services, including verification of enrollment, release of transcripts and grades when requested by students, evaluation of exam and college credit completed prior to enrolling at Puget Sound, evaluating transferability of coursework taken during summer terms at other colleges, development of and inquiries about academic policies, scheduling of classes and registration, academic certification of VA benefits, athletic eligibility, and security of education records.
Jones Hall, Room 013
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Residence Life
The Department of Residence Life provides a safe, inclusive, and vibrant living community that fosters holistic learning for Puget Sound residential students by empowering them as leaders and extending their academic experience.
3206 N. 15th St.
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Security Services
Security Services provides a safe and secure environment for the campus community and university friends alike. Together, our professional and student staff create an office culture that embraces diversity and enables us to view the entirety of the Puget Sound community from varying and unique perspectives.
McIntyre Hall, Suite 011
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Student Financial Services
At Puget Sound, we believe developing a strong foundation of financial literacy is an integral part of a student’s education that will serve them for years to come. Student Financial Services staff members actively join in partnership with students and families to help make college a reality.
Jones Hall, Room 019
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Student Accessibility and Accommodation
SAA is the designated office on campus that determines accommodations for students with disabilities. Disabilities can be invisible or visible, and they include physical, learning, or psychological impairments or diseases that substantially limit a major life activity. Necessary and reasonable accommodations are determined based on the unique challenges experienced by each student because of their disability.
Howarth Hall, Room 105
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Student Success Coaches
The Student Success Coaches know that college is not always easy, and that's why they are here to support YOU! Whether you are a first-year student or a transfer student, they are here to help you be successful during your first year here at Puget Sound. They can support you in developing problem solving, time management, and interpersonal skills; assist you in navigating academic and personal challenges on campus; and help you build connections with the campus and broader Tacoma community. They're also there if you just need someone to talk to and aren't sure where to go! The SSCs will collaborate with you to explore your strengths, values, and cultural backgrounds in order to maximize your growth during your time at UPS. They share an office with the lending library and the food pantry, so visit them if you need a bite to eat! You will see them at Passages and around campus.
Have questions before getting to campus? Attend our virtual drop-in hours every Tuesday from 3-4 p.m. Pacific Time where you can be connected with staff from many offices around campus!
Technology Services
Technology Services provides technical expertise, leadership, and support of campus computing, curriculum, multimedia, and technology. Our goal is to provide our students and faculty with an environment that encourages a rich and meaningful learning experience through integrated technology and foundational infrastructure to support constant growth.
Collins Library, Basement
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University Chaplaincy
The University Chaplaincy is a resource that seeks to offer support, care, connection, and challenge to all members of the Puget Sound community—inclusive of those of all spiritual and religious backgrounds, as well as those who find meaning in other approaches to the world. Through this work, we hope to help campus members of all roles and stories find and create meaning during their time studying, living, and working at Puget Sound.
Wheelock Student Center Suite 203
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