This is the sound of education for all!
We know that disabilities can be both visible and invisible. The Office of Student Accessibility and Accommodation helps navigate and remove any obstacles students may encounter on the way to achieving their goals.
Support is here if you need it.
If you're able to meet the academic and technical standards of Puget Sound with or without accommodations, but have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits a major activity, you can request accommodations. Just submit documentation of your disability, and we'll meet with you to determine the best way to accommodate you. And if you register with SAA, you may qualify to move in one day early.

Academic Support
Whenever you need help with your studies or coursework, the Puget Sound community is here to get you the support you’re looking for.
Accommodations for Religious and Spiritual Holidays
We support every student’s right to practice their faith while attending college. So if the observance of your religious or spiritual tradition conflicts with your academic schedule, please feel free to request accommodations. Any requests must be made during the first two weeks of each semester.
To request an accommodation, email your instructor.
Questions? Contact Dave Wright, university chaplain, at